Life is Good
August 22, 2013
Norma Beversdorf, August, 2013.
Mom swears that, following a lifetime of being non-photogenic, being married to Joe has changed her picture-karma [not her words]. I have to agree.
Will in the Summertime
August 22, 2013
Auntie Anne with Will
August 22, 2013
Additional biographical information
March 27, 2013
A more thorough musical biography of Beversdorf may be found at
Beversdorf Music Available
March 27, 2013
I promised, OH so long ago, to upload performances of music composed by Thomas Beversdorf. Now I can say I’m actually doing it! Check under the header MUSIC to see what’s available. I have seven CDs of music to upload, so keep checking back. Not all of Dad’s music is available, and I don’t have historic notes, performance dates, or even sometimes the year the pieces were composed, but his music is good and deserves to be heard. I probably don’t have performers’ rights either, but I’m trusting that no one will get bent out of shape because they haven’t given permission for their performance to be heard.
THIS WILL NOT BE HERE LONG. I’m looking into making pieces available through iTunes or other media. That will be easier for others to find. And I may be able to make CDs available for a small fee, to help pay the annual fees to keep this website alive.
Do enjoy now, download, and share with others.  I am also making inquiries to obtain PDFs of his compositions. At present there is no reliable way to get printed music, as his publisher, Southern Music Company, has gone out of business. The Indiana University Jacob’s School of Music Library has ALL his composed works in their archives. The only trick is access–which Mom is still trying to broker at age 88. Hopefully there will be a simpler way.
Blog Community SAY HELLO HERE!
November 13, 2008
Hello fellow Beversdorfs, Beversdorf fans, students, family researchers, and anyone else who’s stumbled onto this site.  I’m Anne Beversdorf (daughter of S. Thomas), and I guess I’m your host here.
This is where you can say hello, tell family stories (be nice now!), and communicate with other strange, weird and wonderful Beversdorfs and their friends who have found their way here.  Your comments may turn into new web pages, your pictures can illustrate them.
I will be adding more photos and information to the site as the bug bites me and I have time. (The bug is chewing pretty hard right now, but time is limited, so this is just a start.)
So look at pictures, check out the STB2 Bio, wish me luck on learning how to get music out there, and just hang out here.