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This site welcomes Beversdorf family members, friends, and former students of Dr.Thomas Beversdorf (Dr. B.) You can connect with each other by posting messages in the blog pages. To see the most recent blogs and contribute, go to the HOME page, and click the blogs on the right. To be on the (occasional) mailing list, click the link below and check the Beversdorf Family box on the sign-up sheet.
If you would like to donate to help keep this site active and growing, your contributions would be greatly appreciated. You can click here to donate:
Other Beversdorf Sites
You are invited to visit my other websites. is my professional astrology site. I have been a full-time astrologer, practicing both Western astrology and "Vedic" astrology since 1993. is a site dedicated to my miniature tapestries. These are art jewels (small tapestries) made of silk, metallic thread, and real gemstones and pearls. The tapestries are based on imagery from medieval illuminated manuscripts. To see either of these sites, copy the web address and paste it in your browser.
If you are interested in posting geneologies, contact me via email (email is anne "at" I will be happy to post family geneologies from Beversdorfs whether I know you or not.