Beeson background info
From Jill Hastings.  Jill is a cousin who is also a professional geneologist, so if you’re wanting professional help, she’s the person to contact, at
—– Original Message —–From: MCArchivesTo: Norma BeversdorfSent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:02 PMSubject: RE: cousin G. T. LittletonNorma:
Thank you so much for the note. I’ve been thinking about you and intending to drop you a note but just have not taken the time to do so. Seems like the past few months have really flown by with various responsibilities, both family and work. It’s hard for me to believe Mother has been gone 6 months already. Jon and I have taken care of many things having to do with the estate, but still have a few more to go. I’ve learned a great deal about what to do and not to do re: estate planning. Mother was very organized but sometimes the other party isn’t. I’ve revised some of my plans so that, hopefully, my children will not have too many difficulties in an already difficult time.
I’m so very sorry to hear about G.T. The good part is that I have no doubt that he and Mother are now enjoying each other’s company. She loved each of her cousins so very much. She worried over Lorraine for a very long time. I don’t have Mother’s address book here; it’s still at home in Elnora. Could you send Elmer’s address, as well as G. T.’s family’s address, so I can send cards. I’ll try to call Elmer this afternoon.
I just got back this morning, 1:30am, from a week in Raleigh, NC at the National Genealogical Society Conference. I’ve been immersed in family and genealogy lectures all week long and loved every minute.
I’m looking forward to the first part of June, because that’s when we are finished with all the financial and budget rigmarole at work. The summers are busy here at the archives but not so much so that I can’t take a day or two off.
Last year I went to north Alabama three times to do research on both sides of Mother’s family, Heads and Beesons. My brick wall in the Head family is in that area and I’m anxious to go back and do some more work on Sampson Head and crew. Sampson is Big Daddy’s (James) great grandfather. The Beeson family, as you know, was also in north Alabama, and fairly close by. I have a lot on the Alabama Beesons from various visits to Samford University (at the Beeson Library) and the Birmingham Public Library, but have not done any work at the county level. Three years ago I spent several days in Jackson, Mississippi at the state archives working on the Beesons and found a ton of information, and some more clues to Edward Franklin Beeson’s wife’s identity. I actually went to Lauderdale County to the land that was once owned by Grandpa Beeson’s father before The War. (That’s the War of Northern Aggression, sometimes called the Civil War in the history books.) And last fall I found out exactly where Captain Edward Beeson, Revolutionary War soldier, was buried in north Alabama, so I have to go back. Edward Beeson is the great grandfather of your grandfather General Taylor Beeson. I’m very anxious to go back this summer and do some more research.
[Norma, daughter of Noah Wilton Beeson,
Noah Wilton “Bill†Beeson, son of General Taylor Beeson & Emma Ellen Willis,
General Taylor Beeson, son of Edward Franklin Beeson and Mary Jane ?,
Edward Franklin Beeson, son of Richard M. Beeson and Frances ?,
Richard M. Beeson, son of Edward Beeson and Ann Pennington,
Edward Beeson, Captain and Revolutionary War veteran]
Well, I certainly didn’t mean to do a lesson, but it’s only fun if it can be shared.
We are all okay. We’ve been taking turns going up to Elnora on the weekends, gradually sorting, but mostly just enjoying being at home. Jan and Jon take care of mowing the yard, I do the flower beds, Mary Sunshine is close enough she can go down and check on whatever needs to be done. It’s peaceful and quiet there and away from the other parts of our busy lives, so it really is a respite in many ways.
I didn’t think about how confusing my e-mail address might be. You can use either or either will reach my desk. Hope all is well with you and all the family. Please tell each hello from me. It would be so much fun to get together sometime when at least part of us are in Indiana. I’ve intended to let you know that all those plants have thrived and many have ‘babies’ that I’ve given away. The old school desks are in the reception area here in the archives and along with some other donated old school items, have been quite a conversation piece.
Please drop me a note when you can.
Jill Hastings-Johnson
Montgomery County Archives
P. O. Box 323
Clarksville, TN 37041-0323
From: Norma Beversdorf []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:32 PM
To: MCArchives
Cc: Paula Beversdorf Gabbard; Tom Beversdorf; Anne Beversdorf; Beversdorf, David
Subject: cousin G. T. Littleton
Elmer Littleton, whose mother and Aunt Nora were brother & sister & whose mother was the sister to
Grandpa Bill (N.W. Beeson) called me today to tell me that his brother, G.T. who died Sunday, May 10th
will have only a graveside service this Saturday at 10 A.M.
When we met at Elmer’s place last Sept.
G. T. weighed 195 lbs. but the next day went to the doctor, learned he had cancer and had only
months to live. Elmer said he was down to 140 lbs. and was ‘ready to go’.
Elmer said he too wants
only a simple graveside service for himself.
G. T.’s widow is beginning to have memory loss but they
have wonderful kids who are taking care of things.
Jill, I hope this reaches you – as Sunshine’s daughter.
I do not have your name before your e-mail & it’s pretty confusing.
Please remind me if I have the right person…then I’ll try to put your name in my address file.
Elmer’s cell phone number is 830 655 5323.
If you call, make repeat calls because he has no message machine & may take a long time to reach the phone.